Your Guide to use Alternative Medicine Therapies

Alternative and complementary Medicine

Alternative medicine is a fast growing science and industry. The words alternative medicine defined as therapies that they are alternative or used alone to allopathic medicine while complementary medicine is defined as therapies which used together with allopathic medicine. In our world we need both allopathic medicine and CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) for the benefits of both

Benefits of complementary and alternative medicine

-low cost
-great acceptance
-Non Invasive techniques in a lot of therapies
-Affordable And easy accessibility we can reach the services easily
-Effective In many diseases but with experts and certified therapists

Diseases Treated By complementary and alternative medicine

there are thousands of trials and researches to give evidence about most of complementary and alternative medicine therapies
The use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients is also increasing and the diseases which treated successfully with complementary and alternative medicine with medical evidence are:
-Dental pain treated by acupuncture
-Headache and low back pain
-side effects of chemotherapy treated by acupuncture
-asthma which are treated by various complementary and alternative medicine therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, yoga, Breathing and hypnotherapy
-som psychic disorders such as depression
-arthritis which is treated by cupping therapy with nutrition and herbal therapy
-infertility which is treated by acupuncture with cupping therapy
-there are many therapies used in the treatment of the various types of cancer

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